How do I edit, leave, or delete a classroom?

Editing or Deleting a Classroom

  1. On your homepage, click the Triple Dot Icon of your Classroom, then click Class Settings

  2. Once the changes are made, click Update to save it
  3. If you want to delete the Classroom, scroll to the bottom and click Delete Classroom


Deleting a Classroom will cause Teachers and Students to lose access to any existing assignments in the Classroom.

Leaving a Classroom

You won't be able to leave a Classroom until you have transferred ownership of the Classroom to another Teacher.

  1. In your Class Settings, go to the Members tab
  2. Click the  Triple Dot Icon of the Teacher you want to transfer ownership to, and then click Transfer Ownership

  3. Once you have transferred the ownership, go to the Profile tab, scroll down and click Leave Classroom
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