How do I create/edit a Personal Project?

Here's how you can create your Personal Project.

  1. Click on the Library Icon located on the top right of your home feed. 


  2. Click on the Create Project Icon to enter the Mix Editor to start recording your ideas. 


  3. You can also import your previously recorded work via the Upload icon located next to the Mix Editor Icon.

  4. To learn more about how to use the Mix Editor, click here.

  5. Once you've completed your work within the Mix Editor, rename the project by clicking on the project name located in the middle.

  6. Click on the Save Icon located at the top right to save your work privately.


  7. You will now see your newly saved Personal Project, show up within your Library.

Here's how you can edit your Personal Project

  1. Click on the Library Icon to access the list of your Personal Projects

  2. Click on the Triple Dot Icon on the right of the project to access additional options.

    • Open in Mix Editor - Opens the project in the Mix Editor
    • Rename - Change the project name
    • Copy Project - Make a duplicate copy of your project
    • Share - Creates a Shareable link to share your project to your school privately.
    • Delete - Removes the project from your Library






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